FIRST MONTH OF THE HITTITE CALENDAR (ITU.1.KAM; ITUBÁR.ZAG.GAR). This month started the cycle of monthly festivals. According to the cult inventory of the city of Ḫurma, the cultic distribution on the monthly festivals started this month with two sheep, and 1 PARISU and 1 UPNU of flour (KUB 56.56 iv 18). The omens associated with this month mostly promise troubles. This month's solar eclipse threatened famine and loss of territories (KUB 4.63 ii 31–33; KUB 8.18 1–3). The reddening of the sun on the 15th day of this month foreshadowed the export of food from the country and the subsequent famine (KUB 8.15 iv 1–5). The red signs in the east with the reddening sun this month signified on the 3rd day the arrival in the land of sorrow and the wrath of the Storm-god. This month's hurricane signaled famine (KUB 30.9 9–12), on the 5th day – crop failure, defeat and cannibalism (KUB 30.9 13–15), on the 15th day – crop failure, famine and cannibalism (KUB 30.9 16–18). The reddening of the sun on the 15th day of this month was interpreted as the death of the country, but the salvation of the king (KUB 30.9 19–21), whereas the darkening of the sun this month promised the death of a king (KUB 30.9 22–23). This month's lunar eclipse promised the loss of territories (KUB 8.19 obv. 18–22), on the 15th day – impoverishment (KBo 34.110 obv. 4–5), on the 16th day – the loss of territories (KBo 34.110 obv. 6–8), on the 17th day – rains and crop growth (KBo 34.110 obv. 9), on the 20th day – a hostile message between the kings or the death of the great king (KBo 34.110 obv. 10–11), on the 21st day – ruin (KBo 34.110 obv. 12). The phenomenon of a comet ("star with hands") this month led to the destruction of walls and the desolation of populated areas (KUB 30.9 24–27). This month's hurricane signaled the country's need (KUB 8.35 obv. 11). A child born this month was considered capable of squandering his father's wealth (literally, "house"), and then reassembling it (KUB 8.35 obv. 1).
Tags: Ancient Minor Asia, Vladimir Shelestin, Articles, Months