Publications |
Kalendari i prazdniki Drevnego Yegipta [Calendars and Festivals of Ancient Egypt] (In Russian). Moscow, 2022.Календари_и_праздники_Древнего_Египта_Calendars_and_Festivals_of_Ancient_Egypt_In_Russian_with_summary_in_English_
Articles and chapters in books
- The Concept of Time, Astronomical Cycles and Vegetation Periods as Reflected in Ancient Egyptian Festivals and Tomb Decorations // Temporal Concepts and Perception of Time in the Ancient Orient. Proceedings of the Workshop "Calendar Festivals of the Ancient Orient" (held in St. Petersburg 20th-21th November 2020) / Ed. V.V. Emelianov. St. Petersburg, 2021. P. 55–98.
- Rol' religioznykh prazdnikov v zhizni drevnikh egiptian [The role of religious festivals in the lives of ancient Egyptians]. LOKUS: liudi, obshchestvo, kul'tury, smysly [LOCUS: people, society, culture, meanings]. 2020. Vol. 4, pp. 46-64 (In Russian)
- Kheb-sed i koronatsiia v epokhu Khatshepsut: k voprosu o znachenii ritualov [Heb-sed and coronation under Hatshepsut’s reign: the quest for the rituals’ meaning]. Aegyptiaca Rossica, 2019, Bd. 7, pp. 177–213. (In Russian)
- Prazdnik Op'ianeniia v Fivakh v epokhu Novogo tsarstva [The Festival of Drunkenness in Thebes during the New Kingdom]. Aegyptiaca Rossica, 2018, Bd. 6, pp. 198–225. (In Russian)
- Drevneegipetskii prazdnik Renenutet [The Ancient Egyptian feast of Renenutet]. Vostok (Oriens), 2016, vol. 3, pp. 20–36. (In Russian)
- Prazdnik «Vyhod Mina» v rel'efah hramov Novogo carstva: problema prochteniya i interpretacii [The Festival of the ‘Departure’ of Min in the Reliefs of the New Kingdom Temples: The Problem of Reading and Interpretation]. Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History], 2013, vol. 3, pp. 108–124. (In Russian)
- Kalendarnye spiski epokhi Tutmosa III i Ramsesa III: printsipy datirovki prazdnikov [The Calendar Lists of the Epoch of Thutmose III and Ramses III: The Principles of Festival Dating]. Voprosy Epygraphiki [Questions of Epigraphy], 2013, vol. 7, pp. 232–252. (In Russian)
- Prazdnik Khnuma i prazdnik Novogo goda v raione Elefantiny epokhi Khatshepsut i Tutmosa III [The Festival of Khnum and the New Year Festival at Elephantine under Hatshepsut and Thutmose III (16.03.2020).
- Drevneegipetskij prazdnik Opet v epohu Hatshepsut: ritual i simvolika [The Opet Festival in Ancient Egypt in the Epoch of Hatshepsut: Ritual and Symbolism], Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History], 2009, vol. 4, pp. 125–137. (In Russian)
- Soliarno-lunnyi tsikl v drevneegipetskom prazdnike Opet v epokhu Tutmosa III (XV vek do nashei ery) [Solar-lunar cycle in the Ancient Egyptian Festival of Opet under Thutmose III (XV BC)]. Gumanıtarnı studıї: zbırnik naukovikh prats' [Humanitarian Studies: a collection of scientific papers]. Ed. A.E. Konver'skii. Kiev, 2008, issue 4, pp. 144–147 (In Russian)
Conference materials
- Prazdniki boga Tota v Drevnem Yegipte [The Festivals of god Thoth in Ancient Egypt] // Traditsionnyye obshchestva: neizvestnoye proshloye. Materialy XVIII Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. (25-26 maya 2022 g., g. Chelyabinsk) [The Traditional societies: the unknown past. Materials of the XVIII International Scientific Conference. 25-26 May 2022]. Chelyabinsk, 2022, pp. 158–165.
- Prazdnik ‘Vossiianie tsaria’ i prazdnik ‘Posledovatelei Khora’ [The festival of the “Appearance of the King” and the festival of the “Followers of Horus” in the Palermo Stone]. Drevnost': istoricheskoe znanie i spetsifika istochnika. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi pamiati Edvina Arvidovicha Grantovskogo i Dmitriia Sergeevicha Raevskogo (Moskva, 26–27 noiabria 2019 goda). [Antiquity: Historical Knowledge and specific Nature of Sources. Materials of the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Edwin Grantovsky and Dmitry Raevsky. 26–27 November 2019]. Moscow, 2020, issue 8, pp. 280–292. (In Russian)
- Prazdniki boga Montu v period Novogo tsarstva [Feasts of the God Montu in the New Kingdom Period]. Etnokul'turnoe razvitie Blizhnego Vostoka v IV–I tysiacheletiiakh do n.e. Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii (Moskva, 26–27 oktiabria 2017 goda) [Ethnocultural development of the Ancient Near East in the IV–I millenia B.C. Materials of the scientific conference (Moscow, 26–27 October 2017)], 2017, pp. 65–72. (In Russian)
- Prazdnik polnoluniia v khrame Khatkhor v Dendere [The Full Moon Festival in the Hathor temple at Dendera]. Drevnost': istoricheskoe znanie i spetsifika istochnika. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi pamiati Edvina Arvidovicha Grantovskogo i Dmitriia Sergeevicha Raevskogo (Moskva, 12-14 dekabrya 2011 goda) [Antiquity: Historical Knowledge and specific Nature of Sources. Materials of the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Edwin Grantovsky and Dmitry Raevsky. 14 –16 December 2009)]. Eds. A. Balakhvantsev, G. Kolganova. Moscow, 2011, pp.145–148. (In Russian)
- Stseny prazdnika Sokara v drevneegipetskikh arkhitekturnykh kompleksakh epokhi Novogo tsarstva [The Scenes of the Festival of Sokar in the Ancient Egyptian Architectural Complex of the Time of New Kingdom]. Problemy istorii i kultury Drevnego Vostoka. Materialy mezdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferencii, posvyashennoy pamyati Grigoria Maksimovicha Bongard-Levina [Problems of History and Culture of Ancient Orient. Materials of the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Grigory Bongard-Levin]. Eds. G. Kolganov, A. Petrova, A.Safronov. Moscow, 2010, pp. 68–70. (In Russian)
- ‘Granitnoe sviatilishche’ Tutmosa III i ‘soliarnyi altar’ Akhmenu: smyslovaia vzaimosviaz The ‘Granite Sanctuary’ of Thutmose III and the ‘Solar Altar’ of Akhmenu: The Semantic Relationship]. Drevnost: istoricheskoe znanie i specifika istochnika. Materialy mezdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferencii, posvyashennoy pamyati Edvina Arvidovicha Grantovskogo i Dmitria Sergeevicha Raevskogo. 14–16 dekabrya 2009 goda [Antiquity: Historical Knowledge and specific Nature of Sources. Materials of the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Edwin Grantovsky and Dmitry Raevsky. 14–16 December 2009)]. Ed. A. Balachvantsev. Moscow, 2009, issue 4, pp. 83–84. (In Russian)
- Gimn bogini Neit: kul'turologicheskii analiz drevneegipetskogo teksta [The Hymn of the Goddess Neith: The Cultural Analyzes of the Ancient Egyptian Text]’. Pogranichnye processy v literature i kulture: Sbornik statey po materialam mezdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferencii, posvyashennoy 125-letiyu so dnya rozdenia Vasilia Kamenskogo, 17-19 aprelya 2009 goda [Borderline processes in Literature and Culture: Collection of materials of the International Scientific Conference in Honor of Vasily Kamensky’s 125th Birthday, 17–19 April 2009]. Eds. N. Bochkareva, I. Pikuleva. Perm, 2009, pp. 6–8. (In Russian)
- The Pharaoh’s Role in Organization of the Egyptian Calendar. Ierarkhiia i vlast' v istorii tsivilizatsii. Piataia mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia (Moskva, 23–26 iiunia 2009 goda). Tezisy dokladov [Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations. The Fifth International Conference, Moscow, 23–26 June 2009. Abstracts of reports]. Eds. D. Bondarenko, O. Kavykina. Moscow, 2009, pp. 67–68.