Alexandra V. Mironova

Alexandra V. MironovaAlexandra V. Mironova, PhD in Art Criticism, Egyptologist

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2014–Present Lecturer
School of Architecture and Design
6 Shluzovaya nabereznaya, stroenie 4 RU–115114 Moscow (Russia)
2012–Present Assistant Professor
Department of History, State Academic University for the Humanities
26 Maronovsky pereulok RU–119049 Moscow (Russia)



PhD in Art Criticism – Thesis Title: 'The Ancient Egyptian Opet Festival in the Reliefs of the Theban Temples of the Epoch of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III (XV BC)', Art Criticism
Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow (Russia)

2002–2007 Art Critic
Faculty of Arts, V.S. Golenisheff Centre for Egyptology, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow (Russia)
• Art History
• Egyptology


Research interests Art History; Ancient Egyptian religion and art; calendars and festivals of the era of New Kingdom


Kalendari i prazdniki Drevnego Yegipta [Calendars and Festivals of Ancient Egypt] (In Russian). Moscow, 2022.Календари_и_праздники_Древнего_Египта_Calendars_and_Festivals_of_Ancient_Egypt_In_Russian_with_summary_in_English_

Articles and chapters in books

  • The Concept of Time, Astronomical Cycles and Vegetation Periods as Reflected in Ancient Egyptian Festivals and Tomb Decorations // Temporal Concepts and Perception of Time in the Ancient Orient. Proceedings of the Workshop "Calendar Festivals of the Ancient Orient" (held in St. Petersburg 20th-21th November 2020) / Ed. V.V. Emelianov. St. Petersburg, 2021. P. 55–98.
  • Rol' religioznykh prazdnikov v zhizni drevnikh egiptian [The role of religious festivals in the lives of ancient Egyptians]. LOKUS: liudi, obshchestvo, kul'tury, smysly [LOCUS: people, society, culture, meanings]. 2020. Vol. 4, pp. 46-64 (In Russian)
  • Kheb-sed i koronatsiia v epokhu Khatshepsut: k voprosu o znachenii ritualov [Heb-sed and coronation under Hatshepsut’s reign: the quest for the rituals’ meaning]. Aegyptiaca Rossica, 2019, Bd. 7, pp. 177–213. (In Russian)
  • Prazdnik Op'ianeniia v Fivakh v epokhu Novogo tsarstva [The Festival of Drunkenness in Thebes during the New Kingdom]. Aegyptiaca Rossica, 2018, Bd. 6, pp. 198–225. (In Russian)
  • Drevneegipetskii prazdnik Renenutet [The Ancient Egyptian feast of Renenutet]. Vostok (Oriens), 2016, vol. 3, pp. 20–36. (In Russian)
  • Prazdnik «Vyhod Mina» v rel'efah hramov Novogo carstva: problema prochteniya i interpretacii [The Festival of the ‘Departure’ of Min in the Reliefs of the New Kingdom Temples: The Problem of Reading and Interpretation]. Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History], 2013, vol. 3, pp. 108–124. (In Russian)
  • Kalendarnye spiski epokhi Tutmosa III i Ramsesa III: printsipy datirovki prazdnikov [The Calendar Lists of the Epoch of Thutmose III and Ramses III: The Principles of Festival Dating]. Voprosy Epygraphiki [Questions of Epigraphy], 2013, vol. 7, pp. 232–252. (In Russian)
  • Prazdnik Khnuma i prazdnik Novogo goda v raione Elefantiny epokhi Khatshepsut i Tutmosa III [The Festival of Khnum and the New Year Festival at Elephantine under Hatshepsut and Thutmose III (16.03.2020).
  • Drevneegipetskij prazdnik Opet v epohu Hatshepsut: ritual i simvolika [The Opet Festival in Ancient Egypt in the Epoch of Hatshepsut: Ritual and Symbolism], Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History], 2009, vol. 4, pp. 125–137. (In Russian)
  • Soliarno-lunnyi tsikl v drevneegipetskom prazdnike Opet v epokhu Tutmosa III (XV vek do nashei ery) [Solar-lunar cycle in the Ancient Egyptian Festival of Opet under Thutmose III (XV BC)]. Gumanıtarnı studıї: zbırnik naukovikh prats' [Humanitarian Studies: a collection of scientific papers]. Ed. A.E. Konver'skii. Kiev, 2008, issue 4, pp. 144–147 (In Russian)

Conference materials

  • Prazdniki boga Tota v Drevnem Yegipte [The Festivals of god Thoth in Ancient Egypt] // Traditsionnyye obshchestva: neizvestnoye proshloye. Materialy XVIII Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. (25-26 maya 2022 g., g. Chelyabinsk) [The Traditional societies: the unknown past. Materials of the XVIII International Scientific Conference. 25-26 May 2022]. Chelyabinsk, 2022, pp. 158–165.
  • Prazdnik ‘Vossiianie tsaria’ i prazdnik ‘Posledovatelei Khora’ [The festival of the “Appearance of the King” and the festival of the “Followers of Horus” in the Palermo Stone]. Drevnost': istoricheskoe znanie i spetsifika istochnika. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi pamiati Edvina Arvidovicha Grantovskogo i Dmitriia Sergeevicha Raevskogo (Moskva, 26–27 noiabria 2019 goda). [Antiquity: Historical Knowledge and specific Nature of Sources. Materials of the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Edwin Grantovsky and Dmitry Raevsky. 26–27 November 2019]. Moscow, 2020, issue 8, pp. 280–292. (In Russian)
  • Prazdniki boga Montu v period Novogo tsarstva [Feasts of the God Montu in the New Kingdom Period]. Etnokul'turnoe razvitie Blizhnego Vostoka v IV–I tysiacheletiiakh do n.e. Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii (Moskva, 26–27 oktiabria 2017 goda) [Ethnocultural development of the Ancient Near East in the IV–I millenia B.C. Materials of the scientific conference (Moscow, 26–27 October 2017)], 2017, pp. 65–72. (In Russian)
  • Prazdnik polnoluniia v khrame Khatkhor v Dendere [The Full Moon Festival in the Hathor temple at Dendera]. Drevnost': istoricheskoe znanie i spetsifika istochnika. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi pamiati Edvina Arvidovicha Grantovskogo i Dmitriia Sergeevicha Raevskogo (Moskva, 12-14 dekabrya 2011 goda) [Antiquity: Historical Knowledge and specific Nature of Sources. Materials of the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Edwin Grantovsky and Dmitry Raevsky. 14 –16 December 2009)]. Eds. A. Balakhvantsev, G. Kolganova. Moscow, 2011, pp.145–148. (In Russian)
  • Stseny prazdnika Sokara v drevneegipetskikh arkhitekturnykh kompleksakh epokhi Novogo tsarstva [The Scenes of the Festival of Sokar in the Ancient Egyptian Architectural Complex of the Time of New Kingdom]. Problemy istorii i kultury Drevnego Vostoka. Materialy mezdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferencii, posvyashennoy pamyati Grigoria Maksimovicha Bongard-Levina [Problems of History and Culture of Ancient Orient. Materials of the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Grigory Bongard-Levin]. Eds. G. Kolganov, A. Petrova, A.Safronov. Moscow, 2010, pp. 68–70. (In Russian)
  • ‘Granitnoe sviatilishche’ Tutmosa III i ‘soliarnyi altar’ Akhmenu: smyslovaia vzaimosviaz The ‘Granite Sanctuary’ of Thutmose III and the ‘Solar Altar’ of Akhmenu: The Semantic Relationship]. Drevnost: istoricheskoe znanie i specifika istochnika. Materialy mezdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferencii, posvyashennoy pamyati Edvina Arvidovicha Grantovskogo i Dmitria Sergeevicha Raevskogo. 14–16 dekabrya 2009 goda [Antiquity: Historical Knowledge and specific Nature of Sources. Materials of the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Edwin Grantovsky and Dmitry Raevsky. 14–16 December 2009)]. Ed. A. Balachvantsev. Moscow, 2009, issue 4, pp. 83–84. (In Russian)
  • Gimn bogini Neit: kul'turologicheskii analiz drevneegipetskogo teksta [The Hymn of the Goddess Neith: The Cultural Analyzes of the Ancient Egyptian Text]’. Pogranichnye processy v literature i kulture: Sbornik statey po materialam mezdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferencii, posvyashennoy 125-letiyu so dnya rozdenia Vasilia Kamenskogo, 17-19 aprelya 2009 goda [Borderline processes in Literature and Culture: Collection of materials of the International Scientific Conference in Honor of Vasily Kamensky’s 125th Birthday, 17–19 April 2009]. Eds. N. Bochkareva, I. Pikuleva. Perm, 2009, pp. 6–8. (In Russian)
  • The Pharaoh’s Role in Organization of the Egyptian Calendar. Ierarkhiia i vlast' v istorii tsivilizatsii. Piataia mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia (Moskva, 23–26 iiunia 2009 goda). Tezisy dokladov [Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations. The Fifth International Conference, Moscow, 23–26 June 2009. Abstracts of reports]. Eds. D. Bondarenko, O. Kavykina. Moscow, 2009, pp. 67–68.